Dear all,

As we go through this COVID-19 pandemic, our medical and healthcare professionals are working harder and longer than ever. They are the ones who care for the sick; with COVID-19 and other illnesses. Whether they work as doctors, nurses, paramedics, administration staff, government employees, or in other roles, they are the next set of vulnerable people, after the sick themselves.

Healthcare workers report to work, ready to take on the world, and face whatever comes their way- even after working double shifts. They are making additional sacrifices to ensure that their loved ones- family, friends, colleagues, patients, staff, and the wider community are safe.

COVID-19 is a learning period for the medical workers, as much as it is for the general public. Critical concerns of doctors include misinformation, panic, shortages of supplies and equipment, disruptions in the healthcare systems and the inability of the health sectors to manage the crises.

With the increasing need for doctors and medical staff worldwide, university students, especially those in their clinical years and beyond, are the ideal supportive personnel during this pandemic to assist with and provide meaningful contributions to patient care in hospitals, even sometimes, without direct contact, e.g. writing clinical notes. This allows them to continue learning on the job, and refine their own physician character, along with strengthening their educational foundations.

The deaths of doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other healthcare personnel have definitely not gone unnoticed. Their families are not forgotten and remain in our prayers.

The continuously generated stresses are bottomless, and the need for mental and psychological well-being during this COVID-19 pandemic is urgent. Stigmatization and reluctance to offer support are also rising during these difficult times, and this needs to change. We all play an important role and we can make a difference.

We need to support each other, with unending compassion.


Caribbean Doctors Association - CDA - Coronavirus, COVID-19
Caribbean Doctors Association - CDA - Coronavirus, COVID-19
COVID-19 Notice - 19 March 2020 - (3:5).jpgCaribbean Doctors Association - CDA - Coronavirus, COVID-19
Caribbean Doctors Association - CDA - Coronavirus, COVID-19
Caribbean Doctors Association - CDA - Coronavirus, COVID-19